Black cats mean bad fortune? Or a frog jumping out of the house kinda take away ur luck? I wouldn’t had think twice about dismissing them as purely nonsensical superstition if isn’t for events that seems a bit bizarre.
Tis were the season of hungry ghosts or Chinese ancestral beings when they are allowed freedom. According to myths, the gate of Hell was flung open and unearthly beings allow to roam the realms of mortals. I am not sure why been Chinese or been set free famished them, guess freedom activist need to be careful not to trip over. Or and a really big OR why they maybe or maybe not intended to label me for treats or tricks. Guess I didn’t have the treats then.
It start bright and glorious day, maybe a very hazy one too that I finally made a touchdown on KLIA (3 pointers for MAS on vs AirAsia). Burdened with 33 kg of luggage which has a bone-crushing effect if anyone stupid to stand in my way, i torturously made it out of KL International airport….luckily with no casualties. I would have sue someone for forcing me to bring that much stuff to Kuching and then to KL again on grounds of child labour ( in my case semaphore labour) and possibly for being a threat to public safety. Lucky for her that just for been a mum that she had some diplomatic immunity status. It was also a wonder that my luggage managed to sit at exactly 20.0kg during the MAS check in Kuching. Not to say I managed to pass check points that limit up to 5kg of hand-carrier-bags with 13kg on me. Counting that I was the 1st non-crew to board the plan and but gotten the last seat (next to the window, cab see the tail of the plane); a bit paradox though. Plus I managed to reach KL exactly on time (+-5 min) and catch a cab speedily back campus in one straight row, with some occasional on and off( I mean the taxi engine). IF I might have notice that things were going a bit too well and smooth for me. It has a really not Malaysian feel.
Den…den…deeennnn……………… Nothing sinister or supernatural happened when the front door swing ajar, not that I was expecting Resident Evil zombies to be lurking to welcome me to their brotherhood after a 3 months absence in the house. Nothing much happened….just a frog jumping out of the seal house when I breathe life into the lights. Again, nothing much except for some mould colonies which had productively sprouted from intersections on the floor that hadn’t seen the light of day in 3 mouldy months. By the way, I want to send my most sincere apology to anyone that has ever asked directions from me. The taxi driver must have the patience of a saint/imam to drive me home and not throw me off the road to beg for fermented bread even after directions from me that sent him north and west of Semenyih on a wild goose chase a.k.a Nottingham Hunt. Did I mention down the Nilai Highway too? A bit of info on the current situation is that he was having Buka Puasa and it was 7.30pm then.
Back to day 2; again it was a bright and glorious day….with dusty floor and spores-exude-air that could bestow u histoplamia to make the day. After cleaning up, I decided to settle some issue in the uni. And it was after an hour wait that a bus finally came. So I gleefully board it and found a promising aircon spot with a really nice empty-shaded seat. Just as I was getting comfortable, it dawn to me that the bus was heading straight to Kajang and it comes down to UNMC history that a dummy has sat on a wrong bus…yet again. Whether it was some higher up doings which i m not sure, I manage to find a taxi heading back to uni with a student after I got off at Semenyih. Anyway I managed to settle the unsettled issue in uni, just 4 bucks lighter from the shared taxi fare.
>>> to days 3; I woke up. Decided to do some banking business. Should have read today’s horoscope even though it just some nonsense love prediction. Just before leaving the house, I spotted a white cat characterize with light brown patch and green eyes(not indication of jealousy) standing in a stealthy manner by an open window. Recalling that being nice to our feline friends will lead to cat dung decorated on bed sheet and more uninvited meow meow, I straighten up to shoo it. First with polite shoo shoo, to making loud noises and scary looks, I must have looked ridiculous to the cat. Anyway, unscathed by my effort, the cat appear to follow my wish. Closing the window panels, and then opening the door, a black cat was suddenly standing before me, staring with its intently green eyes. Normally in broad day light, seeing a black cat is uncommon, so gazing at one now makes it look really black. Then it surreptitious turns its back on me and walk away. As the usual me, I ignore it as some weird insignificant happening and went on my usual schedule to Semenyih. Little did I know what unseen incident that fate has in store for me…..
( to be continue..)
End of part 1
" It doesn't make sense at all"
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